My Paradigm by David Lerner, DDS
Bio-Physics: field theory and quantum physics, the energetic nature of all things, electromagnetic fields of the body, role in development and differentiation, holographic nature of the body, resonance phenomenon, Homeopathy, the
science of Acupuncture, tooth-meridian associations…..Implications for dentistry
Bio-Chemistry: the energetic nature of biochemistry, concept of BiologicTerrain, qualities of water, nutrition and degenerative dental disease…the relationship of digestion (beginning with mastication) and assimilation, disorders of immune function… disorders of mineral metabolism and pH in dental caries and periodontal disease, toxicology and detox pathways, inflammation and hyperimmune states…….dental toxicology and materials biocompatibility…..the field effect in biocompatibility implications for dentistry.
Bio Mechanics: Structure and function, Tensegrity (the balance of tension and compression that generates structural integrity), Connective tissue and the myofascial kinetic pathways, Cranial- Sacral, Neuromuscular, Applied Kinesiology, Occlusion, Plane of Occlusion, Vectors of force, the periodontal ligament, neuromuscular reflexes and Proprioception, the Physio-pathology of Functional Disorders. Opportunities and challenges in restorative and orthodontic therapy.