Anti-Aging dentistry?
As we get older our bodies change. It seems pretty natural . Yet for many of us the changes that occur are not actually ageing but the gradual onset of disease.
Often the onset is gradual , things sneak up on us. Or so it seems We might put on a little weight. We seem to tolerate stress less easily. Our blood pressure may become more elevated. We experience more fatigue and tension in our body.
As we move forward dealing with the challenges of an ageing population with many in declining health there is value in reflecting on the lessons to be learned from healing traditions from around the world. There are common principles to be applied. There is clear health benefit
to living our lives with an awareness and attunement to the natural world around us. It is health promoting to eat a diet of whole foods grown free of pesticides, antibiotics, and other contaminants. It is essential that our bodies stay free of toxins and pollutants, and maintain a
healthy digestive and elimination system. It promotes good health to have proper posture and good habits in the exercise and rest of our bodies. Healthy self esteem promotes the choice of healthy habits and lifestyle. These basic principles form the foundation for all holistic health practices.