Exercise Your Freedom of Choice
Choose dentistry free of mercury, free of bis-phenols (BPA), and free of other potentially harmful substances
Historically the materials used in the repair of teeth have been chosen based on their physical properties without a full understanding of the biological consequences. Recent surveys reveal over 50% of dentists still use mercury-amalgam.
Organized dentistry has been reluctant to acknowledge the potential problems of toxic materials used in the mouth.
The truth is there are many variables. Each of us is different in the capacity of our body to eliminate toxins from our
system. There is no universally compatible dental material.
While there are materials that are safe for the majority of patients, constitutional and acquired sensitivities may
predispose a given individual to be sensitive to materials that other are not sensitive to. Each of us are unique. It is
important that materials used in our mouths be screened to insure bio-compatibility . This is readily done with muscle
response testing {kinesiology}.